Toxic Black Mold: Know the Signs

All homeowners in Florida need to be aware of the signs of toxic black mold growth. We live in the ideal climate for this type of mold to develop. Toxic black mold grows in a warm, moist area, with large colonies often developing within the walls of a home, invisible to the eye. The mold spores enter a structure through doors, windows, on shoes, clothing, and through vents. Toxic black mold reproduces with invisible spores that float through the air, latching onto any area where a colony can grow.

The Signs of Toxic Black Mold in the Home

If you have concerns about toxic black mold in your home, you have very real reasons to be worried. This type of mold is not rare in homes in the Tampa Bay area. Watch for these signs of toxic black mold, and if they appear, contact a mold removal specialist as quickly as possible.

Dark Spots or Rings

The appearance of dark rings or spots on walls, ceiling, or in crevices or darker, moist areas. If your home has had a water leak or flood damage, the wet area may develop these dark rings or spots, with larger colonies hidden behind the walls.

Musty Odor

Toxic black mold has an unpleasant smell. If you notice your indoor air has taken on a musty odor, it indicates that larger colonies of mold have developed in areas invisible to the eye.

Respiratory Symptoms

If you or your family have developed respiratory symptoms such as red eyes, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, a rash, or asthma-like symptoms, it may indicate that you have toxic black mold in your home.

Mental Health Symptoms

One of the most frightening aspects of black mold is that it can cause symptoms that mimic mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, aggressive behavior, irritability, and other issues that could be misdiagnosed. After the mold is fully removed from the home, the symptoms typically fade, and health can be restored.

Removing Toxic Mold – Not a DIY Job.

A full removal of toxic black mold must be performed by a professional mold remediation service. The mold you can see typically means that other colonies are established within the walls, under the floor, or other hidden areas. At Ally Restorations, our mold removal specialists use a state-of-the-art mold removal process that is non-toxic, safe, and reaches into every nook and cranny. Call our team if you suspect you have toxic mold, or any mold growing in your home. We offer a free estimate, and believe our customers deserve personalized service from a specialist who is dedicated to superior service and 100% customer satisfaction.

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